Symposium, Satellite and or Side Meetings
The Zambia Health Research Conference (ZHRC) invites the research community, non-profit groups, organisations, or commercial entities to hold symposia, satellite sessions and side meetings designed to leverage on more than 1000 network of Zambia’s top-tier scientists, researchers, policy makers, practitioners, commercial entities, educators, and students who will be attending the conference on 7-9th October, 2020.
You are encouraged to take advantage of the conference time and space to schedule your in-person meetings.
A sponsored symposium is an informative session on a topic of interest to the organiser and does not conflict with scientific content of the conference. This is a parallel session held concurrently with conference break-away session during the conference and adds value to the attendees.
Held as a 2 and half hour parallel session between 10:30-13:00 and 14:00-16:30
RATE: K50, 000
To host a symposium, Click Here
The ZHRC is offering you an opportunity to showcase your work, research and programmes, or draw more attention to a specific subject or area by organising a satellite session.
Held between 7:00 – 8:00 and 17:30 – 18:30 on 7th and 8th October, 2020
RATE: K5, 000
To host a satellite session, CLick Here
This is held concurrently with conference break-away session for about 5-15 people between 10:30-13:00 and 14:00-16:30.
The meeting organiser is responsible for all aspects of the session, including communicating with speakers and promptly informing the Secretariat of any changes.
RATE: K5, 000
To host a side meeting, Click Here